Natural For Natural

The existence of natural women is non-negotiable.
I am a natural Afrikan man born by a natural Afrikan woman.
Therefore, I endorse, admire, adore, and worship natural women – Afrikans, Caribbeans, Europeans, Asians, Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Australians; all-natural women of the earth. I believe in the sanctity of marriage between a natural woman and a natural man. To me, this is sacrosanct and non-negotiable because I believe in the beauty of humanity – past, present, and future.
My grandmother was a natural woman who gave birth to my natural mother. My mother was a natural woman. My aunties are natural women.
My sisters are natural women. The mothers of my children are natural women. My daughters are natural women. I have many friends who are natural women. So I am pro-women, pro-life, and pro-feminine.
Therefore, I like natural women, I appreciate natural women, I respect natural women, I value natural women, I validate natural women, I support natural women and I stand by natural women.
Here then is my philosophy about natural women: This is a woman’s world and it would be nothing, absolutely nothing, without a woman.
If you are a natural man or natural woman and you believe as I do, that natural women are the best things in life and the most precious gift of humanity since creation, then join my campaign in support and proclamation that the power, significance, endurance, persistence, existence, essence, and nature of natural women are non-negotiable, non-debatable, indivisible, irrefutable, irreplaceable and indestructible.
By: Afrikatu Kofi Nkrumah